What API Properties Are Available in the Community?

These are the properties we've identified as being the most common properties applied as part of API operations, providing the building blocks needed to onboard consumers--the goal is to not just identify them, but transform from being human-readable to machine-readable to help automate and scale the API economy.

AsyncAPI - AsyncAPI allows you to describe the surface area of event-driven APIs in a machine-readable way, providing a way of defining the protocol, channels, topics, messages, and the schema that are being published and subscribed to. AsyncAPI is a sister specification to the OpenAPI specification, sharing some common properties, as well as support of JSON Schema, but AsyncAPI provides a wider number of protocols than OpenAPI is designed to cover.
Blog Feed - An Atom or RSS feed for a blog or is still an essential item, and despise the demise of Google Reader, it is still a fundamental aspect of any blog. While blogging is not as popular as it once was, it is still a useful way to keep API consumers up to date with what is happening with change across each API they are depending on.
GitHub Organization - A GitHub Organization is commonplace for larger more organized API producers, establishing a place where you can find SDKs and other code used for integration, but also machine-readable artifacts, issues, discussions, and other useful outputs from everyday API operations that will help provide nutrients for an API ecosystem.
GitHub Repository - GitHub repositories are great for making SDK and other artifacts developers will need to put an API to work, but you can also publish OpenAPI, examples, and even run your entire API portal using GitHub pages. A GitHub repository has proven itself to be an essential building block of any public API program, and powers API Commons.
GraphQL Schema - The GraphQL Schema is a machine readable collection of schema organized into a graph. The GraphQL Schema has emerged as a proven way to stitch together much of the API sprawl that has emerged behind the infrastructure, integrations, and applications that we depend on to do business today.
JSONSchema - The JSON Schema allows for the validation of JSON objects, and is used by OpenAPI & AsyncAPI. JSON Schema is a fundamental building block of the enterprise, and is ubiquitous across operations, whether teams are aware of it or not. JSON Schema is essential to standardizing and streamlining API operations across REST, GraphQL, and event-driven APis.
OpenAI Plugin Manifest - OpenAI uses a plugin manifest that references an OpenAPI to allow for extending ChatGPT, and introduce more AI capabilities. Providing a ready to go OpenAI Plugin Manifest for API consumers to use when extending ChatGPT will become a new type of application or integration to consider.
OpenAPI - The OpenAPI Specification provides a formal standard for describing HTTP APIs, describing the surface area of request and response APIs. OpenAPI can be used to publish documentation, generate mock servers, and produce SDKs. An OpenAPI has become an expected artifact by API consumers and is widely considered to act as the technical contract between API produce and consumer and has become common for many leading API providers.
Postman Collections - A Postman Collection is a machine-readable collection of APIs for use in client, testing, and automation. Postman Collections provides a portable, machine-readable way of defining an API and making available for consumers via a Postman workspace or embedded via documentation and other websites. Collections bundle documentation, can be mocked, and work with the wider Postman platform ecosystem.
Postman Workspaces - A Postman Workspace is a cloud space where you can store collections, OpenAPI, tests, and other elements. Think of a Postman Workspace as a GitHub repository, but specifically for APIs, providing a place you can organize collections, OpenAPIs, monitors, tests, and other ways to automate API operations and integrations. Workspaces can be public, private, or partner access only, helping you organize your APIs into individual spaces that are isolated for different audiences.
Webhooks - Webhooks are a way to communicate between applications by sending data to another application when an event occurs. Webhooks are HTTP-based callback functions that are automated and triggered by an event in a source system, then sent to a destination system, providing event-driven capabilities utilizing simple HTTP "reverse APIs".